Debate “Age of (im)mobility? Migrations during pandemic and post-pandemic”

I will be one of the panelist in a debate “Debate “Age of (im)mobility? Migrations during pandemic and post-pandemic”. Please come and participate. And leave me a comment below. More information on the debate can be found on the organizer’s website.

When: Wednesday, 24 June 2020, 18.00 – 19.30 (CET)


Who: panelists: Olena Babakova (Krytyka Polityczna), Michał Bilewicz (University of Warsaw), Dariusz Stola (Polish Academy of Science) & me, chair: Paweł Kaczmarczyk (Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw)

Organizers: Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw & Teatr Powszechny

Language: Polish